Au lit avec l’industrie et Lisa Mastracchio

Oeuvrant dans le monde du fitness depuis plus de 25 ans, Lisa a reçu le prix de professionnelle de l’année de canfitpro en 2019. Ce prix l’a propulser à développer sa marque en ligne “ Coach Lisa” où prend place des programmes de coaching en groupe unique incluant un site pour membres exclusifs dénommé WOW ( Women On Weights). Elle continue de partager sa passion à aider les femmes à se muscler et à gagner confiance en soi en présentiel et en ligne en tant qu’instructeur de cours en groupe , entraîneur personnel et coach en nutrition et elle partage ses

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Les leaders du fitness sont parfaitement positionnés pour #ParlerPourVrai

Utilisez-vous l’exercice pour engourdir les sentiments et les émotions que vous trouvez difficiles? C’est le cas de nombreux professionnels du fitness ; j’ai même entendu certains d’entre eux l’appeler leur » drogue de prédilection «, comme s’ils affirmaient que le comportement sain qu’est l’exercice est parfaitement acceptable comme moyen d’éviter les défis mentaux et émotionnels.  En tant que coachs qui soutiennent la santé physique, mentale et immunitaire de nos clients, je nous invite à réfléchir au thème de la Semaine de la santé mentale de cette année : Quand on met les mots, on apaise les maux. L’Association canadienne pour la

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Fitness Leaders Perfectly Positioned to #GetReal

Do you use exercise to numb the feelings and emotions you find challenging? Plenty of fitness professionals do; I’ve even heard some call it their “drug of choice” as if stating that the healthy behavior of exercise is perfectly acceptable as a means of avoiding mental and emotional challenges.  As the coaches who support our client’s physical, mental, and immune health I invite us to reflect on this year’s theme for Mental Health Week: Name it, don’t numb it. The Canadian Mental Health Association is inviting us to express and deal with our emotions, even the uncomfortable ones with their hashtag

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Devriez-vous quitter votre emploi en fitness?

Vous devriez peut-être quitter votre emploi dans le secteur du fitness. On nous demande de nous confronter aux VRAIES raisons pour lesquelles nous sommes devenus des professionnels en activité physique et pour certains d’entre nous, la passion a changé.  Il existe de nombreuses nouvelles opportunités notre domaine, mais il y a aussi des industries qui ont prospéré depuis mars 2020 et qui recrutent massivement pour répondre à la demande. Si ce qu’on attend de vous pour continuer à faire du fitness ne vous motive plus, il est parfaitement raisonnable que vous fassiez ce qu’il y a de mieux pour subvenir à

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Pourquoi le «foam rolling» n’améliore pas la mobilité

Avez-vous investi dans des outils destinés à améliorer la mobilité ? Avez-vous suggéré à vos clients et participants de faire de même ? De nombreux professionnels du conditionnement physique ont inclus le «travail de mobilité » dans leur répertoire dans l’espoir de soulager la douleur de leurs clients, voire d’éviter les blessures. C’est pourquoi cet article écrit par ma collègue Mai-Linh Dovan de Rehab-U m’a interpellée et j’ai décidé de le partager avec vous. Faites-moi savoir ce que vous en pensez !  Le «foam rolling» n’améliore pas la mobilité. C’est sa déclaration de départ… Maintenant, vous vous dites probablement: Alors pourquoi

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Why Foam Rolling Doesn’t Improve Mobility

Have you invested in tools meant to improve mobility? Have you suggested your clients and participants do the same? So many fitness professionals have included “mobility training” in their repertoire in the hopes of keeping their clients pain-free and even injury-free; that’s why this article written by my colleague Mai-Linh Dovan from Rehab-U resonated with me and I decided to share it with you. Let me know what you think!  Foam rolling doesn’t improve mobility.  That’s her starting statement…  Now you’re probably saying: Then why does it make people feel good and why do they feel more mobile after foam rolling?

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Au lit avec l’industrie & Jean-Denis Thomson

Un passionné de l’entrainement, de la gestion et du développement humain, Jean-Denis partage ses recommandations pour une profiter d’une carrière à succès dans notre industrie.  Depuis plus de 20 ans, il forme des entraîneurs, des entraîneurs-chefs et des gestionnaires de centre de conditionnement physique partout au Québec. En tant que directeur du département d’entraînement chez Énergie Cardio, il avait la responsabilité d’inspirer et de diriger plus de 400 entraîneurs personnels et sais comment choisir ceux qui vont persévérer. Il entreprend maintenant un nouveau défi au CEPSUM et partage dans cette entrevue clés du succès!

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Tu souffres du syndrome de l’imposteur?

On est tous passés par là ! On se sent comme un escroc quand on essaie de demander une augmentation de salaire ou d’augmenter nos tarifs, ou même de publier du contenu sur les médias sociaux. On est pris dans le «syndrome de l’imposteur» et c’est désagréable.    Non seulement cela t’éloigne de tes rêves et de tes objectifs, mais en plus, cela ne te rapproche pas du service aux personnes qui ont besoin de ton aide et la méritent !  Il y a des tonnes de leaders du fitness, certains avec beaucoup moins d’expérience et moins de qualifications, qui affichent

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Imposter Syndrome Got You Down?

We’ve all been there! Feeling like a fraud when we’re trying to ask for a raise or increase our rates, or even post content on social media. We get stuck in “imposter syndrome” and it sucks.   It’s not only keeping you away from your dreams and goals, but also not getting you any closer to serving the people who need and deserve your help!  There are tons of fitness leaders, some with much less experience and fewer qualifications, posting oodles of content and making a lot of money.  How do YOU become confident and stay authentic?  You need to attract

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L’outil le plus sous-estimé pour améliorer la mobilité

Un article incroyablement révélateur écrit par mon amie et thérapeute athlétique agréée Mai-Linh Dovan, que je me devais de partager !   De nos jours, tout le monde veut te vendre l’outil de mobilité le plus récent et le plus sophistiqué. C’est plutôt cool d’avoir les derniers outils comme des rouleaux et des balles vibrantes, des pistolets de massage de haute technologie, des ventouses colorées et des outils de scraping. Beaucoup de gens pensent encore qu’il faut acheter des outils de mobilité. Mais les outils ne sont pas nécessairement des objets. Un outil est tout ce qui est utilisé pour exécuter

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The Most Under-Rated Tool to Improve Mobility

An incredibly insightful article written by my friend and Certified Athletic Therapist Mai-Linh Dovan from Rehab-U, I just had to share! These days, everyone wants to sell you the latest, fanciest mobility tool.  It’s pretty cool to have the latest tools like vibrating foam rollers and balls, high tech massage guns, colorful cups and scraping tools. Many people still think mobility tools need to be purchased.  But tools aren’t necessarily objects.  A tool is anything used to carry out a particular function or provide a desired outcome.  So before spending money on an implement, best first make sure you are using

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Es-tu en état thermomètre ou thermostat?

Voici mon analogie préférée pour décrire les montagnes russes d’émotions que beaucoup d’entre nous lorsqu’on parcourt des moments difficiles – nous sommes en mode thermomètres. Les températures internes des thermomètres augmentent et diminuent en réaction à ce qui se passe autour d’eux. Ils n’ont aucun contrôle sur leur température ; ils sont tirés dans la direction que leur environnement leur dicte.  Avez-vous eu des journées comme celle-là récemment ?  Les thermostats cependant régularisent cependant la température. Ils portent attention à leur environnement, remarquent quand les choses changent trop dans une direction ou une autre et réagissent en conséquence afin de maintenir

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Don’t Know What to Post on Social Media?

Are you spending hours trying to create the text and visuals for social media in the hopes of getting more clients for your classes, sessions, and services? Then getting discouraged by the few likes and comments?  It’s exhausting. How do you fix it?  You need to build your brand, as simply and quickly as possible.  The first step in knowing what to share and post is getting crystal clear on your “why” because people don’t buy a product or even service, they buy into what our brand promises to deliver. Ask yourself these three questions: What types of training or services

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Are You Ready to Relaunch?

Fitness facilities are slowly reopening from coast to coast, and with everything in place to keep staff and clients safe we’re hopeful they will stay open. Are you ready to relaunch? Have you revised your products and services? Your pricing? We need to be incredibly well prepared to serve the clients who will be coming back, welcome new ones and, most importantly, have taken the time to create a brand new «post-crisis» strategy. Our industry will have undergone the greatest transformation since its inception because of the pandemic and the fitness pros who will enjoy lasting success are those who will

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Êtes-vous prêts pour la relance?

Les réouvertures des centres de mise en forme commencent doucement, mais on espère bien sûrement! Avez-vous repensé à votre liste de services? À votre tarification? On se doit d’être bien préparé pour notre relance afin de mieux servir les clients qui vont tout de suite revenir, en accueillir des nouveaux et surtout avoir pris le temps de créer une toute nouvelle stratégie « post-crise ».  Il est certain que notre industrie aura vécu la plus grande transformation depuis ses débuts à cause de la pandémie et les professionnels qui vont jouir d’un succès durable sont ceux qui auront pris le temps d’observer, réfléchir

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In Bed with the Fitness Industry & Selena Isles

Selena Isles is a yoga +meditation steward, speaker, creatrix and international DJ Seriousblack. In my latest edition of «In Bed With…», Selena is raw, unfiltered, and organically authentic. She shares how to fully embrace yourself while also embracing all of those around you. Selena packs a lot into this interview and I cannot wait for you to listen. *This interview has a few NSFW words… 

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Des déductions d’impôts pour l’activité physique

La fragilité des systèmes de soins de santé dans le monde entier est devenue évidente l’année dernière et l’industrie du conditionnement physique a rapidement compris qu’il n’est pas considéré comme un service essentiel; ni par les responsables gouvernementaux, ni par les experts médicaux, ni par le grand public. Nous avons été surpris et durement touchés par cette prise de conscience, mais je ne pense pas que la plupart d’entre nous aient été choqués. Moins de 20 % de la population fait de l’exercice dans un environnement structuré et si nous sommes honnêtes avec nous-mêmes, nous savons que nous avons passé beaucoup

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Should Fitness be Tax Deductible?

The fragility of health care systems all over the world have come to light in the past year and the fitness industry quickly realized how it is not seen as an essential service by government officials, medical experts, or the general public. We’ve been surprised and hit hard by this realization, but I don’t think most of us were shocked. Less than 20% of the population exercises in a structured environment and if we’re honest with ourselves, we know that we’ve spent way too much time and energy talking about the bodies we sculpt, and not enough about the lives we

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Soulignons la semaine nationale hivernale de la santé et l’activité physique

Du 1er au 7 février, c’est la Semaine nationale hivernale de la santé et l’activité physique au Canada. En collaboration avec canfitpro, le Conseil canadien de l’industrie du conditionnement physique a créé un programme de 7 jours pour en faire la promotion. Je vous encourage à partager cet événement avec vos clients afin de contribuer à sensibiliser à l’importance de l’activité physique, en faisant 150 minutes d’exercice par semaine, ainsi qu’à ce que notre industrie a à offrir. Nous avons appris au cours des derniers mois qu’il est essentiel de rendre l’activité physique accessible sous toutes ses formes pour continuer à

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Get Your Clients Moving with National Health and Fitness Winter Week

This February 1st to 7th is National Health and Fitness Winter Week in Canada. In collaboration with canfitpro, Fitness Industry Council of Canada has created a 7-day schedule to promote fitness that is accessible to everyone. I encourage you to share this event with your clients in order to help bring awareness to the importance of physical activity, getting in 150 minutes of exercise per week, as well as what our industry has to offer.  We’ve learned over the past months that making fitness accessible in all forms is critical to continuing to build trust with government decision-makers and the general

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Les tendances en activité physique

Plusieurs professionnels du fitness ont lancé 2021 avec un enthousiasme et une positivité incroyable, bravo ! J’espère que vous avez eu suffisamment de repos pendant le temps des fêtes pour réfléchir aux bons projets qui donneront des résultats pour notre industrie et le grand public. Est-ce que vous mettez votre temps et votre focus sur les bons projets on 2021?  Grâce à un sondage auprès de ses 20,000 membres canfitpro a créé cette liste des plus grandes tendances pour l’industrie du conditionnement physique en 2021. Vous remarquerez des changements significatifs nous permettant de bien soutenir la santé physique, mentale et immunitaire

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Should You Quit Your Fitness Job?

Maybe you should quit your job in the fitness industry. We are all being asked to come face to face with the TRUE reasons we became fitness leaders and for some of us the passion has shifted.  There are oodles of opportunities in fitness, but there are also industries that have flourished since March 2020 and are heavily recruiting to meet the demand. If what’s required of you to continue in fitness no longer motivates you it’s perfectly reasonable for you to do what’s best in order to provide for yourself and your family.  A little over two years ago I

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The State of Our Fitness Industry

So many fitness pros have launched 2021 with incredible enthusiasm and positivity, bravo! I’m hopeful that you had sufficient downtime during the holiday season to reflect on the right projects that will render the results for our industry and the general public. Are you focused on the right things in 2021?? Here’s what you need to know: 1. Never before has the general public been more aware of their health: The pandemic caused a tectonic shift in the way people think about their health. The concepts of risk factors and pre-existing or underlying conditions are now mentioned regularly in the media

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In Bed with the Fitness Industry & Mo Hagan

In my interview with Mo Hagan, we discuss pivoting your business quickly and efficiently. But the only way to do so is to be linked with your purpose to serve in the industry. If you need some motivation, listen to her powerful message in the video below.

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Healthy Humans Radio Interview

In December, I was asked to be a guest on the Healthy Humans Radio podcast. It was an amazing experience where I was able to have a conversation about using 2020 as an opportunity to grow and adapt instead of stop. Take a listen here (or wherever you listen to podcasts) and share with me if you agree with my stance of opportunity – not obstacle mindset.

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In Bed with the Fitness Industry & Sara Kooperman

From success to failures and everywhere in between, Sara Kooperman of SCW Fitness Education, shares with us her path to entrepreneurship in this episode of «In Bed with the Fitness Industry…». From her flannel PJs and Grey’s Anatomy addition, she talks about leading a team through 2020 and our industry for many decades. Listen to her advice below.

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Great Holiday Gifts for Fit Pros: Part 2

To my fellow fit pros: feel free to share this blog and list with your loved ones Training and technology! The two themes that were omnipresent in 2020 as we adapted and pivoted our way around the fitness industry. Having enjoyed a 25 years fitness career I never thought I’d spent countless hours researching and re-engineering my bandwidth and wifi to optimize my AV streaming capabilities in order to provide my services!? But here we are, nearing the end of this oh-so peculiar year, having learned so much about ourselves and our capabilities that we should marvel at our resilience. As

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Great Holiday Gifts for Fit Pros

To my fellow fit pros: feel free to share this blog and list with your loved ones 😊 Training and technology! The two themes that were omnipresent in 2020 as we adapted and pivoted our way around the fitness industry. Having enjoyed a 25 years fitness career, I never thought I’d spent countless hours researching and re-engineering my bandwidth and wifi to optimize my AV streaming capabilities in order to provide my services!? But here we are, nearing the end of this oh-so peculiar year, having learned so much about ourselves and our capabilities that we should marvel at our resilience.

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Can We Set Career Goals for 2021?

Yes, we can set career goals for the New Year, with a steady dose of adaptability. One of the most impressive realizations of 2020 was how fitness leaders found creative ways to connect with their clients to continue to provide our much-needed services. Using new ways to serve participants remains critical to our success. As we look to varying the ways in which we can provide our services, here are three programming avenues that have become key markets for fitness: The Comfort of Our Own Homes  We know that about 20% of the population exercises in a structured facility. This creates

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Are You a Thermometer or a Thermostat?

Here’s my favorite analogy to describe the roller coaster ride many of us end up in time of anxiety – we’re like thermometers. Thermometers internal temperatures rise and fall in reaction to what’s happening around them. They have no control over their temperature; they get pulled in whichever direction their environment dictates.  Have you had days like that recently?  Thermostats however regulate temperature. They pay attention to their surroundings, notice when things are moving too much in a direction or another and respond accordingly in order to maintain just the right temperature.  This fantastic analogy shared by Dr. Martin Luther King

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In Bed with the Fitness Industry & Dione Mason

Dione Mason is an award-winning fitness instructor and presenter as well as the Founder/President of The Simunye Foundation. She is an advocate for a more inclusive industry and has some insight on how to elevate fitness to welcome all people. Hear what she has to say below.

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WIFA Waves Podcast

On the latest episode of the WIFA Waves podcast, I share how collaboration leads to growth. I talk about soft skills and why getting in touch with those makes it so you can really excel. Learn about the power of a positive mindset and how that can truly change your life & career. I give many tips and tricks on how you can succeed through collaboration, soft skills, active listening, and a positive mindset. Listen here.

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In the Bed with the Fitness Industry & Alex McLean

In my interview with Alex McLean, we discuss how to challenge the industry to be better, bolder, and more inclusive. Listen to his powerful message about choosing projects, knowing your own capacity, and taking your next career step below.

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In Bed with the Fitness Industry & Assata McKenzie

In my interview with Assata McKenzie, we discuss how she stays authentic while teaching virtually, how she’s overcome challenges with trolls, and how hopeful she is for the future. Listen to her powerful message on my below for tips on how to rise above the noise, nay-sayers, and old-habits.

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I Fell Way Off Track Last Month…

I fell out of my routine in July, and I fell hard. I’ve been feeling the consequences; I’m having “cortisol wake-ups” around 3:30am, my food choices haven’t been good, I’ve struggled to get back to my regular workouts, and I haven’t been handling stressors very well. Have you had weeks like that? Sometimes the root cause is easy to identify and sometimes it’s a series of little crises that accumulate and wear down our resilience. July had two big life events for me: First, our sweet 12 years of dog Andy had a complete ACL tear and had been limping most

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How I Spent $0 on Tech to Teach Virtual Fitness

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of presenting at my first conference since March – virtually, of course. It was so fulfilling to reconnect with my SCW MANIA fitfam and e-meet new fit pros from across the US. Throughout the event and in my own «Yoga for Healthy Backs» session, 1 topic continued to come up again and again: providing fitness experiences on a virtual platform. Particularly, people wanted to know about the tech set-up required to make music sound great. I’ve also been asked similar questions by education providers, studio owners, and fellow group fitness instructors. They all want

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Le secteur du fitness connaît une importante pénurie de main-d'œuvre ; voyons comment elle peut affecter ta rémunération.
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