Fitness Leaders Perfectly Positioned to #GetReal

Do you use exercise to numb the feelings and emotions you find challenging? Plenty of fitness professionals do; I’ve even heard some call it their “drug of choice” as if stating that the healthy behavior of exercise is perfectly acceptable as a means of avoiding mental and emotional challenges. 

As the coaches who support our client’s physical, mental, and immune health I invite us to reflect on this year’s theme for Mental Health Week: Name it, don’t numb it. The Canadian Mental Health Association is inviting us to express and deal with our emotions, even the uncomfortable ones with their hashtag #GetReal.

I had the perfect opportunity to #GetReal last week thanks to an epiphany in the middle of osteopathic treatment. 

Having been literally laid flat for over a week by the worse case of sciatica I’ve ever experienced I reached out to my trusty allied health practitioners. My incredible RMT and osteo back in Toronto needed only 2.5 minutes on virtual to see that my old right adductor tendinopathy had flared up again and totally rotated my pelvic bowl thereby created havoc on my left SI joint. She also asked about jaw pain which I hadn’t at all mentioned yet. Yep, she’s brilliant!! 

Two days later I was in treatment with my local osteopath and having shared these insights she got to work while asking when the original issue occurred; I explained it was when Simon and I were going through fertility treatments and eventually my life-threatening molar pregnancy. 

Any of you who have studied the subtle body or even fascia know full-well how what we’re feeling energetically lands in our body. 

So there I am, in the middle of an intense pelvis and jaw treatment wondering what the heck triggered all of this again when it dawned on me – we said goodbye to our sweet dog Andy a few weeks ago. He had been sick for a while and I felt I had grieved so after he passed I quickly threw myself into my work, but clearly, I’m still very much grieving no longer being his mama. At a time when people are dealing with more grief and trauma than ever before I wasn’t comfortable making a big deal about the loss of a pet. 

But I need to #GetReal and name it: I’m heartbroken and I miss him so much. I poured all my maman vibes into his sweet soul for 4 years and I haven’t figured out what to do with that energy yet. He was our best boy and it sucks not having him around. No more numbing. 

Please take a moment to check out the resources here, including toolkits, information, and articles. Let’s dive deeper into our integrity with those we serve by embracing our own mental health. 

Check out this article if you’re looking for quick tips to assess if you’re sliding towards anxiety.



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