Fitness facilities are slowly reopening from coast to coast, and with everything in place to keep staff and clients safe we’re hopeful they will stay open. Are you ready to relaunch? Have you revised your products and services? Your pricing? We need to be incredibly well prepared to serve the clients who will be coming back, welcome new ones and, most importantly, have taken the time to create a brand new « post-crisis » strategy.
Our industry will have undergone the greatest transformation since its inception because of the pandemic and the fitness pros who will enjoy lasting success are those who will have taken the time to observe, reflect and, above all, listen to the needs of the general population.
1.Choosing your places of work:
I’m a big fan of Maya Angelou’s quote « When people show you who they are, believe them. » Are you satisfied with the communication and support you’ve received from your employer(s) over the past year? It reflects directly on the work culture you can expect. Make sure that the time, energy, dedication, and skills you bring to the table are valued by your boss before jumping back in.
2. Attracting the right clients for you:
Our schedules were turned upside down and you hopefully took the time to reflect on your professional life. Have you chosen the type of clients and classes you want more of? What about the ones you’d gladly not go back to?
Having a clear brand that truly represents who you are and how you can help them achieve their goals. Don’t want to waste time or money trying to set yourself apart from other fitness pros? Click here to find out how my phenomenal colleague Jessica Maurer and I get you there in just 7 days!
3. Having the packages and rates that accelerate success:
As soon as reopenings occur, a rush of clients will be ready to invest in their physical, mental, and immune health. Take the time to review your services, packages, and pricing to meet their needs. The old list of services will no longer do the trick.
Moreover, this is the perfect time to make sure that you don’t work 55 hours a week to barely make a living from this job! People value their health more than ever before and it’s high time we price our services accordingly.
We are part of the health solution and people are counting on us, so be prepared!
Notice the title is YOUR brand. Yes, you will be creating your own brand to attract clients with our guidance. Your brand will immediately save you time, make your decisions clearer, let potential clients know that you’re the right fitness leader for them, and so much more! A strong foundation sets you up for success and that is exactly what you are about to create.
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