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USD $77.00OBTENIR PLUS DE CLIENTS. SE DÉMARQUER SUR LES RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX. S’ÉPANOUIR DANS SA CARRIÈRE. Il existe des recettes simples que tu peux suivre pour attirer plus de clients et on a hâte de les partager avec toi dans notre nouveau programme “Attirer plus de clients en 7 étapes simples“. Ce programme va t’aider à attirer plus de clients vers ta marque et tes services en seulement 21 jours grâce à nos 7 étapes et le cahier de travail créé exclusivement pour les professionnels de l’industrie du conditionnement physique. Les 7 étapes te permettent immédiatement de gagner du temps, rendre tes décisions…
7 Simple Steps to Attract More Clients
USD $77.00GET MORE CLIENTS. STAND OUT ON SOCIAL. THRIVE IN YOUR CAREER. There are simple steps you can follow to attract new clients, and we can’t wait to share them with you in our new program “7 Simple Steps to Attract New Clients”. This program will help you build your own business in 21-days through a workbook and 7 emails. Our 7 simple steps will immediately save you time, make your decisions clearer, and tell your clients that you’re the right fitness leader for them. A strong foundation sets you up for success and that is exactly what you are about to…
Leaders Coaching Collective
USD $180.00 – USD $890.00Hosted and led by Nathalie, the Collective addresses real-life challenges unique to our industry each week. We come together and collaborate to develop, provide, and practice solutions to those challenges. Each Leaders Coaching Collective group call has a maximum of 10 leaders to ensure that you are heard and that your needs are addressed. In order to ensure a cohesive mindset as we move towards our common objectives, all members of the Leaders Coaching Collective must have completed Nathalie’s free 4-part video series What Fit Pros Want From Their Leaders before joining.
What Fit Pros Want From Their Leaders
USD $0.00Recruit and Retain the Right Talent for Your Team! All fitness professionals are looking for growth opportunities from their employers. In this 4-week email & video series from me, you will learn the key components to growth and turn-key take-aways that will quickly create staff relationships that will benefit you, your teams, and your business. By signing up, you will receive 1 email per week for 4 weeks. Each email will contain a video from me, explaining the week’s lesson, as well as an actionable to-do list so you can easily implement the tasks no matter where you are on your management…