Will Weight Loss Remain a Key Fitness Goal?  

Have you noticed your client goals shifting over the past months? Weight loss in all its different iterations was the top motivating factor for many people who joined our facilities and program before 2020, but we’re having more variety in motivating factors and goals than ever. They not only include variations on traditional physical health goals, but also mental health, better sleep, immune system boosting and more. 

Have you considered how you communicate the benefits of exercise to help promote your services and keep your clients coming back for more? Adapting the way we market our industry can not only help keep clients motivated well beyond weight loss goals, but also help us finally tap into the market of the 85% of the population that doesn’t exercise in a fitness facility. There are so many more people for us to impact! 

Here’s an interesting article about research that reviewed the results of over 200 studies on obesity, looking at whether participating in physical activity OR weight loss had a better impact on longevity. I think you’ll be intrigued and motivated by the results! 

Looking to provide optimal support and a consistent experience for your clients? I’m thrilled to help make your “behind the scenes” work so much easier and save you hours of admin and follow-up work each week. My incredible partner Hexfit manages ALL your programming, bookings, payments, and connectivity needs and I’m thrilled to provide YOU an EXCLUSIVE 40% DISCOUNT on your first 3 months with Hexfit. Click here to access these savings or find out more about how Hexfit can save you time and money to thrive in your fitness career. 


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