Less daylight, big credit card bills arriving, increased workload thanks to January fitness goals, etc. No wonder heading back to work after the December holiday season has us feeling stressed out! Close to 80% of workers in North America feel stress on the job, and nearly half say they need help in learning how to manage stress.
Are mental health workouts the answer? Mental health gyms or mental fitness studios have been popping up to meet the demand for mental health support. Check out this article to read about what services they offer and what qualifications their professionals have.
We know that exercise not only improves physical health, but that being active has a positive impact and mental, emotional, and social health. We also heard again and again how when access to gyms and fitness professionals was taken away during closures, our clients reported poor sleep, anxiety, impatience, fatigue, etc.
We therefore have an opportunity not only to remind our clients about the benefits of exercise on mental health, but make those connections through our programs, communication, coaching and cueing.
It could also drive retention as those effects are often immediate, think instant gratification, as opposed to some of the physical benefits that can take much longer to come to fruition.

Have you considered adding services tailored specifically to support mental health? Some great options include:
- Meditation and mindfulness classes
- Breathing techniques workshop series
- Sleep hygiene seminars
- Brain-gym classes (i.e. exercises during which limbs cross the midline of the body) for cognitive health
Do you feel confident discussing mental health with your clients and classes? It’s my absolute pleasure to share with you resource I created to help take small but meaningful steps. Click here to download you free Strengthening Mental Health Though Fitness Workbook and begin incorporating wellness into your repertoire to support and even-more rewarding and sustainable career!

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