Mover. Shaker. Joie de Vivre Giver!


Providing Fitness Fans, Professionals, Managers, and Companies the Support They Need to Thrive in Business.

Fitness Fans

Are you ready to become a Fitness Professional? Learn how to take your next steps with canfitpro to become a Personal Training Specialist, Fitness Instructor Specialist, or Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Coach.

Owners & Leaders

Great leaders thrive by attracting top talent and maintaining a culture of strategic success that set their business apart. Nathalie’s programs provide solutions to help you thrive, no matter the size of your business and team.

Fitness Professionals

Fitness professionals need the right learning and growth to continually elevate their career. Nathalie has helped countless dedicated personal trainers and group fitness instructors evolve from excellent to phenomenal to award winning!

Education Company

As an entrepreneur, you need and deserve market penetration strategies that impact your success quickly and effectively. Nathalie provides solutions based on your specific desire for growth and her established knowledge and influence within the fitness, health and wellness industry.

Clients share their experience

Nathalie is the consummate professional and has been a pleasure to work with. Our MANIA® Fitness Convention attendees love her! We are excited to bring her to the Club Industry Business Summits that we run throughout the USA.
Sara Kooperman
CEO, SCW Fitness Education
Nathalie is perhaps the perfect combination as a results driven leader who also has tremendous compassion and caring for her team. She is an absolute pleasure to be around and one of the kindest people I’ve known in my years with GoodLife and canfitpro. Nathalie has boundless energy and is equally comfortable speaking one-on-one with direct reports or to an auditorium filled with thousands of people.
Steve Groves
CIO, GoodLife Fitness
Nathalie is extremely organized and can effectively multi-task to ensure that all projects are completed in a timely manner.  She has an excellent rapport with employees, investors, clients, and other professional organizations. This is particularly valuable for our company. I would highly recommend Nathalie; she would be an asset to any company.
Suaad Ghadban
Founder of Hot Booty Ballet

How Can I Help You?


7 Proven Keys to Quickly Bring Your Fitness Business Online

Are you thinking of going virtual? Discover the mistakes to avoid and keys to succeed.

Virtual group and personal training have revolutionized our industry and are now part of our reality. This program shares the worst missteps and biggest revelations! Whether you have already made the transition to virtual or have recently decided to pursue your career with a hybrid version of your services, you will take away a multitude of tips to use immediately so that you and your clients can thrive in virtual!

You will learn the core competencies for fitness professionals to succeed  in 2020 and beyond. While our industry recovers from the crisis and closures, fitness professionals are adapting and pivoting to meet the needs of our clients. THINK Yourself® A VIRTUAL FITNESS PRO will guide you towards a flourishing career and succeed in an ever-growing industry.

4 Steps to Propel Your Career

I’ve created this free video series to identify the 4 Steps to Propel Your Fitness Career and provide you with actionable strategies to ensure your career success! 

What Fit Pros Want From Their Leaders

Sign up for this free course to receive 1 email per week for 4 weeks with a video and an actionable to-do list.

Catapult Your Career

Just 4 weeks to help you identify the right recipe for you to be successful and feel fulfilled.


Petits pas, grand effet : Une approche durable du bien-être

En ce début d’année, nous sommes nombreux à nous sentir poussés à prendre des résolutions ambitieuses ou à nous fixer des objectifs élevés. Bien qu’il soit tentant de changer nos habitudes du jour au lendemain, les recherches montrent régulièrement que des changements petits et cohérents sont bien plus efficaces pour obtenir des résultats durables. En fait, une étude publiée dans le European Journal of Social Psychology a montré qu’il faut en moyenne 66 jours pour prendre une nouvelle habitude, et non les 21 jours dont on entend souvent parler. Dans une autre étude publiée dans le Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, des chercheurs ont

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Small Steps, Big Impact: A Sustainable Approach to Wellness

As the new year begins, many of us feel the pressure to set ambitious resolutions or lofty goals. While it’s tempting to overhaul our habits overnight, research consistently shows that small, consistent changes are far more effective for lasting results. In fact, a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology found that forming a new habit takes, on average, 66 days—not the 21 days we often hear about. In another study published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology researchers found that employees who incorporated brief, daily physical activities into their routines experienced significant improvements in both overall well-being and productivity. These findings

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Cinq moyens de retrouver le moral pendant les mois d’hiver

Les journées plus courtes, le temps plus froid et les longues nuits de l’hiver peuvent laisser beaucoup d’entre nous sans énergie ni motivation. Bien qu’il soit naturel de ressentir les effets de la diminution de la lumière du soleil, il existe des moyens simples et efficaces de stimuler votre humeur et de garder le moral pendant les mois d’hiver. 1. Une dose quotidienne de lumière La lumière du soleil a un effet puissant sur votre humeur et votre niveau d’énergie, car elle aide à réguler la production de sérotonine (l’hormone du bien-être) et de mélatonine (l’hormone du sommeil). Prenez l’habitude de

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5 Ways to Boost Your Mood During the Winter Blues

The shorter days, colder weather, and long nights of winter can leave many of us feeling low on energy and motivation. While it’s natural to feel the effects of less sunlight, there are simple, effective ways to boost your mood and keep your spirits high during the winter months. 1. Get Your Daily Dose of Light Sunlight has a powerful effect on your mood and energy levels because it helps regulate your body’s production of serotonin (the feel-good hormone) and melatonin (the sleep hormone). Make it a habit to get outside in the morning or early afternoon for at least 10–15

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Le stress et les fringales : est-ce que le sucre nous réconforte? 

La saison des fêtes est arrivée, avec son lot de choix alimentaires qui diffèrent souvent de notre routine habituelle. Pour soutenir notre santé mentale durant cette période festive, il est essentiel de bien nourrir notre corps et notre esprit. J’ai donc le plaisir de partager cet article sur le lien entre le stress et le sucre, rédigé par mes collaborateurs, équipe de nutritionnistes-conférencières d’Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition  Je vous recommande fortement de faire appel à leur équipe pour vos ateliers sur la nutrition. Bonne lecture!  Pourquoi le stress nous pousse-t-il vers le sucre? par l’équipe de nutritionnistes-conférencières d’Isabelle Huot Docteure

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Surmonter le blues de l’hiver

Alors que l’hiver s’installe au Canada, de nombreuses personnes ressentent un changement notable de leur humeur et de leur niveau d’énergie. Pour certains, la diminution de la lumière du soleil et les températures plus froides déclenchent plus qu’une simple déprime saisonnière – il s’agit d’un trouble affectif saisonnier (TAS), un type de dépression qui survient généralement à la fin de l’automne et au cours des mois d’hiver. Avec les longs hivers sombres du Canada, il est particulièrement important pour les personnes touchées de comprendre le TAS et de savoir comment le gérer. Le TAS en chiffres 2 à 3 % des

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