My dear colleagues,
I know we’ve spent the past 2 years digging deep and building our resilience to support our clients through incredibly difficult times. We’ve adapted over and over…and over again to keep serving no matter the circumstances we faced.
As of today, February 14th, 2022, all facilities across North America are permitted to open. My local fitfam in Quebec has been closed 15/23 months are I know we’re beyond excited to finally get back to the facilities and people we love.
For Valentine’s Day, I’m therefore sending you this love letter. One that acknowledges the trepidation you may be feeling, as well as looks to ensure we take what we’ve learned from having the rug repeatedly pulled out from under us to make some significant changes to how we run our business.
We are not seen as essential
I know that stings, but we can’t get anywhere if we aren’t self-aware. We’ve spent the last 40 years edifying ourselves in our own fabulous group of like-minded fitness leaders. Clearly, the government and public, 85% of whom do not come to our facilities, don’t see us the way we see ourselves.
Let me be clear – we play a key role in the health care solution.
We now all need to work together to improve our reputation so that the general public, aka the ones who vote decision-makers into power, trust us to build and support their health. We will get there when we speak less about the bodies we sculpt and more about the lives we save.
There are more career opportunities than ever
Never before have people been more aware of the impact of their physical, mental, immune, and social health on their quality of life. Growing the market we support allows for an incredible amount and array of new opportunities. Making wellness a part of your programming and offers will help build a thriving career and business.
You’re allowed to be both excited and exhausted
The top emotion coined during the pandemic is languishing. It’s defined as an absence of well-being. The frequent “stop-start” we’ve lived through has made it difficult for us to sink into long-term goals and projects and are integral to everyone’s well-being, especially goal-driven bunch like us. Allow yourself moments or days of feeling somewhat anxious or sad, or lacking the drive you see as your normal state. Surround yourself with people and engage in activities that fill you up so that you can keep serving with compassion.
I’ve spent over 25 years working with the most incredible industry surrounded by phenomenal fitness leaders. If any industry can reignite itself WE CAN!
🌟 🌟 We are 🌟 🌟
Quick thinkers
Avec amour,
Feeling stuck in your career? You are not alone! This is the feeling I hear most often from fitness professionals who are looking for change. Contact me so that together we can catapult your career forward. I am here to help you!
Love it!